Elusive owner of fire-ravaged house in Liverpool ordered to clean up site

This is all that’s left of the historic Hendry House at 89 Main St. in Liverpool after a fire in May. (Rick Conrad)
The owner of an abandoned house on Main Street in Liverpool that burned down in May has seven days to clean up the site.
If she doesn’t clean it up or appeal the order within seven days, the Region of Queens will do it for her and charge her for the cost of the cleanup.
Councillors voted on Tuesday to declare the property dangerous and unsightly and to clean it up.
According to Nova Scotia property records, 89 Main St. is owned by Rosemarie Jacob, who owns 13 other properties in Liverpool, Brooklyn, Italy Cross, Lunenburg Co., and East Baccaro, Shelburne Co.
Only two addresses are listed for Jacob in property records. One is a post office box in Brooklyn. The other is a PO box in Liverpool.
Region of Queens Mayor Darlene Norman said Tuesday the owner is hard to find.
“Staff have used every avenue they have to contact the owner. However, unfortunately, that owner leaves very little contact information. We have simply been unable to contact the owner.”
The house at 89 Main St. caught fire overnight on May 13. The Liverpool Fire Department eventually got it under control, but the structure had to be torn down.
It was unoccupied at the time of the fire.
Since then, the municipality has fenced off the property. But none of the debris from the fire has been cleaned up.
There’s still a slight acrid, charred smell around the property from the fire.

A screenshot from Google Streetview from 2014 of 89 Main St. in Liverpool.
According to local historian Tim MacDonald, the historic house was built in 1893 and was once owned by former Liverpool mayor, ship owner and businessman A.W. Hendry.
Liverpool Fire Chief Trevor Munroe told QCCR on Tuesday that they’ve finished their initial investigation and passed it on to Queens District RCMP.
He said there was no power at the property, so it’s unclear how the fire started. That’s why the RCMP are investigating.
“It could be suspicious, it could not be suspicious,” he said in an interview. “But it could be something as simple as a cigarette if someone was moving the grass or something like that.”
An RCMP spokesman said Tuesday the investigation is still ongoing.
Mike MacLeod, the director of planning and development for the region, told councillors on Tuesday that the municipality has received a number of complaints about cleaning up the site.
QCCR is trying to find the owner for comment. If we are able to reach her, we will update this story.
According to property records, Rosemarie Jacob bought the house in 2002 from Erwin Keller of A & I Keller Investments Limited.
Before that, it was owned by the McConnell family from 1973 to 1999.
Council voted on Tuesday to give Jacob seven days to clean it up. Unless she appeals the order by June 18, the municipality will do it and charge the cost as a lien against the property.
Norman says it’s an issue of public safety.
“In the absence of an owner, we are moving ahead with the motion made today. Seven days to file an appeal and if we do not hear from the owner by June 18, then we will be moving ahead and cleaning up the property.”
Another property owned by Jacob that appears to have been abandoned is on Court Street. That’s just off Main Street and behind the former Mersey Hotel, which is itself in bad shape but is currently occupied by various residential tenants.
Jacob also bought the Court Street house in 2002 from A & I Keller Investments.
Norman said she couldn’t comment on the Court Street property or any other Queens County properties owned by Jacob.
“Our bylaw officer has many files that she is presently working on. I cannot comment on the one you’ve made, however, there are various properties that are going to be coming forward to council.”
If Jacob appeals the order, the municipality will schedule a public hearing.
Email: rickconradqccr@gmail.com
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