Green Party announces clean harbour advocate as Queens candidate

Green Party Candidate for Queens Brian Muldoon. Photo submitted by Brian Muldoon
With the addition of a Green Party candidate, Queens now has a full roster of candidates in the upcoming provincial election.
Beach Meadows resident Brian Muldoon has stepped forward to carry the banner for the Greens.
Muldoon has been active for the past several years opposing the expansion of fish farms in Liverpool Bay.
He says it’s that work that inspired him to stand for the Greens.
“The easy thing is to do nothing, the difficult thing is to run and you know, I can’t sit back.”
Muldoon sees himself as the underdog in a race against better funded and better staffed campaigns.
“I don’t have a team of 18 people in my back pocket out there knocking on every door possible. I know that and I won’t be able to hit major doors in Queens County.”
Muldoon intends to reach as many people as he can in person but hopes social media can help get his message to a wider audience.
As the name indicates, the environment is the top issue for the Green party however Muldoon says they have a fully considered platform to address a range of hot-button
When asked for his 30-second elevator pitch, this is what Muldoon had to say.
“You know what, I’m a very passionate and enthusiastic individual that will make sure your voice is heard in this community and in this province. I will go to bat for you and I want to make sure that any government that is in provincially, will be held accountable. And our environment means so much to us. We have the most beautiful beach, I live in Beach Meadows, and we don’t want our treasur es, I mean, that’s a treasure, Beach Meadows Beach, along with other parts and we’d better keep that pristine, the way it is.”
Expect to see Muldoon and the other candidates vying to represent Queens, Mary Dahr for the NDP, the Liberals’ Susan MacLeod and incumbent PC candidate Kim Masland step up their campaign efforts as the August 17 election day approaches.
Twitter: @edwardhalverson
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